
Saturday, November 19, 2011

Stupid Comments

If you're looking for this week's musical stories, it's here, but you can't comment on it. Too many people were unable to comment on my posts so, much as I loved the comment system I was using, I uninstalled it. In doing so, I lost all comments since 16th September. I don't know how I messed it up, and I'm really upset about it but from now on there shouldn't be any problems.


  1. Sarah - LOL! I know just how you feel. I wanted to tell you, in case comments are permanently disabled at your last post, that I just absolutely love two of the songs you chose for your romance lit. post. Leave a Tender Moment Alone is terrific, and I've always liked that 10CC song, too. What a treat to see them both :-).

  2. Margot, I accidentally published the comments post without any text and you replied before I could edit :-)There were three Billy Joel songs I was trying to choose from this week, (this one, Innocent man, and This night). They all would have fitted, and it was a very tough choice!

  3. Oh no! I'm so sorry you lost all your comments. :(

  4. How frustrating! I'm so sorry Sarah. Technology-blah!

  5. Oh no. I'm sorry this happened. :(

  6. Sarah - Oh, Billy Joel's This Night is soooo romantic! I just love it for that quality. You did have a tough choice!

  7. Blog issues are so much fun:) Hopefully it works from here in out!

  8. How frustrating! I'm glad you got it figured out, but sorry you lost all of those comments!!

  9. Hi Sarah. Intense Debate was no good on my blog so I've installed Disqus which is much simpler. I've practised deleting it and going back to blogger and it is all okay.

    It's a horrible feeling as we love our comments. There must be some way to get them back...


  10. Oh, that's annoying! I don't change things on my blog much because I worry I'll mess it up.

  11. GRRR!

    Just know that we are dropping by anyway, and enjoying your thoughts and your music.

  12. ugh, that really sucks... I've tried installing those comment thingies, but can't figure out how. I think my husband changed the blogger template when he designed my background or something.

    hope you can find something else that works for you.

  13. Oh no, I'm so sorry to hear about all the comments that were lost!

    Just wanted to say that I'm glad to hear that Diva's doing better, and that it was not more serious that a migraine. :)

  14. I've had trouble with my blog's commenting feature and so I know how frustrating it is. BUT Don't let it get to you. There are worse things that could happen!!

  15. I'm with Patsy, I pretty much leave the blog format alone and hope for the best. Glad you're straightening things out ...

  16. 10cc reminds me of my youth, loved the song then and now.

  17. Bummer, Sarah. So sorry about losing your comments.
    Did you do this weeks musical stories just for me? : ) I'm going to listen to all the songs as I write today. Thanks!
    BTW, the Billy Joel song is an awesome choice!

  18. Hi Sarah - Blogger can be so annoying sometimes. I'm going to go check out the songs. =D

  19. AHHHHH


    I HATE stuff like that :(

  20. It seems like a lot of people from blogger are having a hard time seeing the comment box and people haven't been able to comment. I'm sorry that it's messed up!

  21. That is so frustrating! I've heard from people on Twitter that they couldn't leave a comment on my blog. And I don't know how to fix it! I'm so sorry you lost all the comments. Guess we'll just have to make new ones :D

  22. Ugh. Sorry you lost all your comments. Same thing happened to me several months back, and irritated the you know what out of me. Had to go back to Blogger's commenting system, which doesn't allow for individual replies to comments. Not ideal, but so far it's the most reliable thing I've found.

  23. Ha! Blogger will be Blogger! Ain't blogging fun?

    Thanks for your recent comment on My Blog

    Take care and have a Wonderful Week :-)


  24. I like those songs. :)

    Sorry about the commenting fiasco. Sometimes Blogger is a Booger.

  25. ugh!!! I get it, I would be sucking directly from the bottle (of wine).

  26. Oh noooooo! How are you coping? I would be having a serious panic attack!

  27. Duuuuude, I'd be ticked! At least the comment feature is back.

  28. I'm sorry to hear that Sarah. It's not a great feeling when something goes wrong with your blog. We put so much work into it and when it doesn't work as it supposed to, it's frustrating. I see that the comment system is back up and running ok now. Long may it continue. :)

  29. Bummer. Did you happen to look at Blogger to see if it saved a copy of the comments? If your comment system was outside of Blogger, it might not have saved them.
    I have mine set up to email me a copy of the comments and I save them in a Comment directory.
    Glad you got your straightened out.

  30. Comments are so finicky! I hope you find a comments feature you like!

    Also, I have given you a blog award!

  31. Oh no about the comments.... hopefully you can find them again:) Loving your music series... from the romance ones I really really like I'm not in love... very cool song. Hope you're doing well.

  32. It must be horrible to loose all those comments. Although for a long time I did not have any followers or comments. I started writing because it is cathartic for me. I read four times as much as I write.
    I like Billy Joel a lot. Every one of his song has a different style:) It is a great idea to post music.

  33. No worries, Sarah. I think Blogger has a secret mission to drive everyone crazy. Look at the bright side: You were brave enough to try something new! :)

  34. It happens. :) I think most of done something similar.

    Oh and I have a horrible time getting back to your blog. Your links either take me to the Intense Debate page or nowhere.

    I have to manually hunt your page.

    Just to make it easy, you might want to put your blog as your link--on your follow me page.


    Just FYI.

    Everytime I comment to you, I have to hunt your blog and I'm following you.



  35. Ack! Hate stuff like that--nothing makes you feel more inept than a computer getting the best of you. Anyway, great choices. I love this series, I look forward to it every weekend ;)

  36. Oh no! That bites... sorry to hear you've lost your comments!

  37. Oh no, I wonder how that happened. So sorry all those comments are lost. I'm always making mistakes, such a tech idiot, and it's super frustrating!

  38. What's even worse is when you write a comment and blogger swallows it. It's happened to me twice today. I'm having some glitches with the comments system too. Hope it goes away by itself.

  39. Hey lookie, I can comment. Now to go read the post. :D

  40. That's awful. I'm so sorry. I know someone who changed the name of their blog and lost all their comments. I wish blogspot were more forgiving.

  41. That's such a bummer, but I'm glad you got them working now :)

  42. *shakes fist at blogger*

    I am so sorry. What a downer! I am thoroughly disgusted with the blogger so I issue a challenge to it. *draws sword*

  43. Sometimes the internet makes me want to pull my hair out! Hope you got your problems fixed :)

  44. yeah, I'm afraid to change anything on my blog because of that. I adjust one little line of html and everything vanishes. At least you have it fixed now :)

  45. Sorry to hear that my friend, I once lost my comments too, there were not to many but I value all of them but I know I have made a right decision uninstalling the third party comment system I use, so now I am back with the blogger very owned comment platform, we know our readers comments and other information are much saftier! You have a great blog my friend, happy blogging :)

  46. Blogger eats comments for breakfast. And other meals too. It's clear it had a feast at your blog!
    So sorry about that! Highly frustrating... but we'll keep coming back to provide you with more comments to make up for it :-)

  47. Oh that's a shame. :(

    I just heard that Billy Joel song on the radio last week and was really listening to the words and the story he was telling thru it. Great choice!

  48. Oh dear that happened to me so much that I got rid of my fancy comments and went back to blogger ones, like you. x

  49. I'm not in love. Such a hauntingly beautiful song. Always gives me goose bumps!

  50. Oh well. we will just have to make more comments.

  51. Oh no, that's terrible. Where you using DISQUS? I have been using it and I love that I can reply directly inside the comment, but I am having some difficulties with it. I also notices that many people are complaining in the comment section that it takes them forever to leave me a comment. I have decided to switch back to the comment method provided by blogger, but one of my biggest fears has been losing all of my comments. Now you have me really scared. I cannot remember if you used DISQUS or not. I have to see if thee is some way to back up my comments before I change back.

    Sorry you had to go through that.

  52. Ohhh it's working now...

  53. I don't know what kind of comment system you were using, but I know some of the odder systems are a nightmare to figure out sometimes. What a bummer to lose your comments though.

    Blogging from A to Z

  54. Hi Sarah,

    Great picks, as always. I particularly liked that last one ;)

  55. well ... bummer! Hopefully, blogger will behave better for us all. :)

  56. aww, that sucks! BUT i'm super happy i can now comment on your blog! I was always so bummed that i couldn't before, and felt bad that i was reading but couldn't join in

  57. I had to develop a whole new blog a couple months ago because everything, including the comments, went haywire. The page layout went bonkers. Nothing I did would fix it. Frustrating! Sorry to hear you lost your comments.

  58. Aw what a bummer! Oh well... just dust in the wind. There'll be more comments. :)

  59. Wow, now you have so many comments. I like to comment when I see any one write or even put something like videos or music for me to enjoy. I am happy that so many blogger friends support you. Yey !
    Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.

  60. Aloha Sarah,

    (I'm not sure if you automatically receive responses to comments *you* leave, so here's what I wrote:)

    Mahalo, and yeah, it's been fun "learning" how to do Thanksgiving.

    You know what you should do... start a family petition and offer to host the inaugural Interational Get-the-Pearson's Together Day:)

  61. I'm sorry to hear you lost all those comments!

  62. hi to all emptywhitepages.blogspot.comers this is my first post and thought i would say hi -
    speak soon
    garry m

  63. Thank you all for your lovely comments. As much as I'd like to, I can't blame blogger for this. It was purely down to me changing systems. As a couple of you have said, we'll just have to make more comments :-)


I happily answer all comments on my blog, and by email if it's not a 'noreply' address :-)